5 Simple Tips To Protect Your WordPress From Hacking
WordPress is sometimes the target of hacking attacks. Learn how to reduce the risks of your website from being hacked in this informative article.
How Secure Is Your Password
How secure is your password? The following article gives security tips in keeping your password and website safe from hacking and malicious attacks. VS
Wondering what’s the difference between and Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the two platforms.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is the world’s easiest and most powerful tool for creating any kind of website, from a simple blog to a feature-packed business website.
Is Site Speed The New SEO?
Site speed is essential for SEO. A slow site affects your ranking as search engine demotes sites with longer load times. Read on to know more about site speed.
Top 5 WordPress Security Vulnerabilities
As a website owner, you should be aware of the possible WordPress security vulnerabilities. Read through to learn about potential web security risks online.
5 Common WordPress Security Issues
WordPress security issues can cause serious damage on your website if not properly taken care of. Read on to discover the 5 common website security issues.
5 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website
Most WordPress users don’t realise the importance of web security. In this post, we cover the 5 effective ways to secure your website from hackers.
Free Hosting Account Migration
Ready to move your website to a secure hosting on Australia’s fastest servers? Apply here.